Hi! I'm Sabrina. I am an artist, sound weaver, wife, intuitive, and cycle-breaker. I love to help people tap into their own power within. I believe that each of us carry our own answers inside and have an innate ability to self-heal. I love to co-create and offer spaces for people to relax, be themselves, tap into their own power, and connect with like-hearted community.
The services I offer are an ever-evolving blend of training with teachers, my lived embodied medicine, and guided by my own soul, mother earth, and spirit.​ My current offerings include meditative & relaxing sound baths, private energy healing sessions, workshops, retreats, handmade jewelry, and ceramic art/pottery.​
Relevant Training:
Altar Magick Foundations Masterclass, Sharon Bolt, 2024
Psychic Development, Tasha Nassar, 2024
The Tambourine Path, Barbara Gail, 2023
Women, Rhythm, & Ritual: The Tambourine Path in the Layne Redmond Tradition, Barbara Gail, 2023
Sacred Drumming Frame Drum private lessons with Krista Holland, 2022
Student of New Earth Mystery School, Maryam Hasnaa, 2017-2022
Original Japanese Reiki (sometimes referred to as 'Usui Teate') levels I, II, & Master, 2021
Past-Life Regression healing modality that was adapted from Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), 2020
Angelic Reiki healing modality, 2020
Akashic Records level I, Melissa Feick, 2017
Usui Reiki level II, 2017
Usui Reiki level I, 2016