I have been having lots of conversations lately in my personal life and I feel really inspired to share some thoughts here. I feel passionate about aligning with this powerful time of the year.
Winter solstice time is definitely starting to feel like my favorite time of the year... I never really felt that before. I didn't tolerate the cold well, and in general this time of year used to just feel like a lot. This completely makes sense with what modern society has imposed at this time. When I say that this time of year is truly magical, I'm actually talking about what is underneath the many layers of the capitalistic stress and busyness that the modern world has pretty successfully tried to cover up.
I'm talking about the cycles of nature. What is happening at this time of year within nature, and so also within us on a deep level. The stillness. The emptiness. Letting go. Slowing down. Hibernating.
The trees have lost their leaves. On my almost daily walks in the woods, I notice how easy it is to see through the trees -- I can see through much farther than in the dense growth of summer... On a spiritual level, it feels easier to see what is true, what is no longer in alignment, what are my new dreams for myself and greater community/planet at large. This is a time to go within, be still, and restore... Make space for quiet moments with our own soul in minimized or no distractions. More rest.
We do our best at this time right? It's constant -- the busyness, the more more more. This has intuitively become my season of No in just the last couple of weeks. My body has been asking me to please honor it, honor the answers from my body when it tells me no/yes. One of my teachers was talking about summer solstice back in June, and said something like "notice how you feel at this time -- are you feeling burnt out, how well is your body going. It can be a direct correlation to how well you took care of yourself back around the time of winter solstice." That spoke to me so much this summer and I am really making it a point to practice really listening and honor what my body is telling me.
I'm slowing down along with the plants and trees and animals right now. I'm taking some time offline this month and pulling back from outward focusing. I am taking, what feels to me as a capricorn (lol), an epic break. I'm releasing what is no longer working, and resting in a space of communion and deep listening.

This time of year is a time to rest (which doesn't have to mean just sleeping... it can be play, making art, etc., and of course, it can be sleeping). Nature is resting right now. We are nature.
This is also a time for dreaming.
You know when we are about to fall asleep at night and are not yet quite asleep, yet also not awake fully either? That liminal or in-between space. In that state before sleep, our brain waves slow down and we enter into theta brainwaves. In our regular everyday state, we are in the faster brainwaves of alpha and beta. In deep sleep, we reach delta, where as we know, a lot of healing and rejuvenation happens.
So theta is also the same brainwave we are in when we are deeply engaged in flow when doing something we love. Time ceases to exist. Theta brainwaves are happening when we are in deep relaxation, such as during a sound bath, or deep meditation. In theta, the subconscious mind is readily available. It is like a day-dreaming sort of realm of consciousness.
For me, this winter solstice portal is equivalent to that state of being. Not quite awake, not quite asleep. Easier access to our subconscious mind. Easier access, in a way, to the voice of our intuition, of our soul, of the spirit of Nature.
Do not feel bad at this time if you find yourself wanting to rest more than usual, feel more tired than usual, perhaps wanting to take more time alone to just be, and so on. Maybe your inner voice is asking you to rest now, so that you can align and hear what your soul has to say! Guidance. Nudgings. Whisperings. Dreams...
As I mentioned previously, modern society at large has imposed capitalistic stress and busyness during this time. It's what is layered on top of Nature's natural cycles and rhythms. If you are feeling more withdrawn or tired, it is actually soooo natural to be feeling that way right now. Embrace it! Even in small, mindful moments if you do not have a lot of time to do so. Or maybe say 'no' to certain obligations! Set boundaries where you need to. Take care of yourself. What is your body asking for right now? Can you listen? Are you willing to listen to your body's needs?
Within this liminal time, there is so much available to us if we slow down, quiet down, and really listen to our inner voice. Maybe you'd like to freewrite in your journal. Maybe light a candle and meditate. Maybe go on a walk, take a bath, get out your art supplies and make something just because. There are so many ways we can tap into our inner being and wisdom. It is all inside of you.
I wrote on my Instagram this week about being intentional about what energies, patterns, old stories, illusions that you are releasing right now. Dear community, our words have so much power. Try speaking out or declaring what you are available for or what you are not available anymore. Break free from 'spells.' Call back your power back, clear and purified. What you attach "I am" to is so powerful. Do not underestimate the power of your focused intention and your own voice.
The universe/nature supports you at this time. Release. Channel anger out in a healthy way. Tap your body. Breathe. Scream into your pillow if you have to. Give the anger or other energy you are releasing an outlet to move. Go on a walk. Go to the dollar store and purchase some plates... then break and smash them! Wear goggles, hehe!

This week, I broke the plates that I ate on from the 90s and through my growing-up years. It felt amazing. I also got my hair cut-- it felt amazing spiritually to let go of that weight. I literally asked my amazing hair gal if I can take my hair home so that I can give it back to the Land with love. Bless and release, my friends.
Clear, purge what needs to be released from your body. Maybe fast for a few hours or a day. Check in and see what resonates with you. Many cultures of many different faiths and spiritualities around the world practice fasting. There is a reason for that.
Do what you need to do to feel it, and let it go. Bless it and release it. Be reborn with the Sun over this solstice weekend. You are nature.
Stand in your power.
So anyway. It doesn't have to be a big thing. It can be a moment in your car on the way to your errands. It can be taking ten minutes of quiet away from the busyness. You get what I'm saying.
Alright, I'm sending you soooo much love at this time. Going back into my hibernation mode. :)
Happy portal-ing dear loves. Blessed rebirthing with the Sun.